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Airport: Dublin (DUB)


Current local time 03:56:51 Monday 03.02.2025
Time zone UTC
Demand calculation 16:00:10 UTC
IATA Area Traffic Conference 2
IATA Sub-Area Europe
Country Ireland
Continent Europe
Runway 3,110 m
Airport size Large airport
Slots (per 5 minutes) 8
Slot Availability 35%
Min. transfer time 01:15h
Nighttime ban no nighttime ban
Noise restrictions Restricted to Chapter III and IV aircraft


2025-02-02 03:33 UTC Liberty Airways have shut down their station at Dublin.
2025-01-22 09:51 UTC Fresh Air has opened a new station at Dublin.
2025-01-19 17:52 UTC CosmoFlot has opened a new station at Dublin.
2025-01-06 20:32 UTC BluFly has opened a new station at Dublin.
2025-01-02 11:34 UTC HAL German Airlines has opened a new station at Dublin.
2024-12-31 22:04 UTC Hopper has opened a new station at Dublin.
2024-12-26 14:38 UTC Dutch Ground Service extends the capacity of its passenger terminal T2 at Dublin by 4834 units.
2024-12-21 17:00 UTC FlySmart has opened a new station at Dublin.
2024-12-13 07:09 UTC Aerajet has opened a new station at Dublin.
2024-12-10 08:06 UTC Eurobird Connect has opened a new station at Dublin.
2024-12-09 10:35 UTC Air Nim has opened a new station at Dublin.
2024-12-07 17:47 UTC Bluecifer Airlines has opened a new station at Dublin.
2024-12-04 19:19 UTC LES AVIATEURS FOUS has opened a new station at Dublin.
2024-12-03 09:53 UTC mAIR-ok has opened a new station at Dublin.
2024-12-03 09:22 UTC Dal-Man-AIR has opened a new station at Dublin.

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There are thousands of airports and hundreds of countries in AirlineSim. Consequently, data are bound to be wrong sometimes. In case you came across any mistake - like wrong values, missing airports or naming errors - please send your findings, your sources and a detailed description of the issue to Thank you very much for your support!


Enterprise IL Weekly departures Flight schedule
Aerajet 7 Departures
Air Danube 27 Departures
Air Logis 14 Departures
Air Nim 0 Departures
Air Salzach 42 Departures
Air Suomi 46 Departures
Air TNR 3 Departures
Albanian Skyways 2 Departures
Aven Aero 0 Departures
Badger Airlines 7 Departures
Baltic Connection 14 Departures
Bluecifer Airlines 7 Departures
BluFly 0 Departures
British Siesta 245 Departures
Canadian Skyways 21 Departures
CosmoFlot 14 Departures
Dal-Man-AIR 7 Departures
Danube Europe 21 Departures
De Koninklijke 70 Departures
Dutch Ground Service 0 Departures
dutchlines 7 Departures
Eurobird 1,960 Departures
Eurobird Connect 42 Departures
European LYNX 27 Departures
Fly France 49 Departures
Fly Korea 4 Departures
FlySmart 14 Departures
Funkie International Airlines 7 Departures
HAL European Airlines 21 Departures
HAL German Airlines 21 Departures
Hanse Caribbean 14 Departures
Hanse Commuter Service 28 Departures
Hanse Express 84 Departures
Hanseatic Aviation Lloyd Holding 69 Departures
Heimsfarandi 34 Departures
Higher and Higher 7 Departures
Hopper 0 Departures
Inter Connect 0 Departures
JoMa Airlines 7 Departures
Ken Fly 353 Departures
Kenya Skyways 0 Departures
Klingler Air Cargo 14 Departures
Klingler Air Caucasus 7 Departures
Klingler Air Middle East 7 Departures
Kuwait Arab Airlines 7 Departures
Kuwait-Express 7 Departures
La French 215 Departures
La French Express 21 Departures
La French Sun 28 Departures
LYNX 49 Departures
mAIR-ok 7 Departures
MyAmerica Airlines 7 Departures
Navigator Air 191 Departures
Navigator Freight 28 Departures
NoCa Airlines 238 Departures
Northeast Skylink 35 Departures
Orix Airways 7 Departures
Over the Clouds of Las Vegas 0 Departures
Pathfinder Cargo Europe 42 Departures
Pathfinder Enterprise 6 Departures
Sandy Air 7 Departures
Sark Air Services 14 Departures
Saxoair 21 Departures
Schwabenpfeil 21 Departures
Shangri La 7 Departures
Siesta Airways 244 Departures
Siesta Moldavia 7 Departures
SkyHellas 14 Departures
SWIZZ Sky 63 Departures
The Baba Airlines 0 Departures
Touristikwings 336 Departures
Trans American Airways 28 Departures
Turkish World Airways 7 Departures
TW Cargo 28 Departures
Uganda Air System 0 Departures
Uganda Airservice 0 Departures
UK Fly 217 Departures
Ukrainian Airlines 7 Departures
Wings of Europe 7 Departures
yellow 3 Departures 6 Departures
Zambia Fly 7 Departures
Zenith Airlines 0 Departures