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Airport: London Heathrow (LHR)


Current local time 13:40:32 Saturday 22.02.2025
Time zone UTC
Demand calculation 07:59:54 UTC
IATA Area Traffic Conference 2
IATA Sub-Area Europe
Country United Kingdom
Continent Europe
Runway 3,901 m
Airport size Mega airport
Slots (per 5 minutes) 10
Slot Availability 8%
Min. transfer time 01:30h
Nighttime ban no nighttime ban
Noise restrictions Restricted to Chapter III and IV aircraft


2025-02-22 03:01 UTC Euro Air, based at London Heathrow, has ceased operations. All shares have been returned or liquidated.
2025-02-19 20:05 UTC Zenith Airlines have shut down their station at London Heathrow.
2025-02-18 09:07 UTC GJC Airways, based at London Heathrow, has ceased operations. All shares have been returned or liquidated.
2025-02-18 08:55 UTC GJC Airways has opened a new station at Edinburgh.
2025-02-18 08:54 UTC GJC Airways has opened a new station at Manchester, GB.
2025-02-18 07:08 UTC GJC Airways has opened a new station at New York.
2025-02-18 05:39 UTC GJC Airways has been founded in London Heathrow.
2025-02-17 19:19 UTC Cofe Airways has opened a new station at London Heathrow.
2025-02-12 01:19 UTC Euro Air, based at London Heathrow, has restarted operations.
2025-02-12 01:17 UTC Euro Air, based at London Heathrow, has restarted operations.
2025-02-11 23:03 UTC Euro Air has opened a new station at Glasgow International.
2025-02-11 03:01 UTC Euro Air has been founded in London Heathrow.
2025-02-08 22:36 UTC HAL European Airlines has opened a new station at London Heathrow.
2025-02-01 17:55 UTC has opened a new station at London Heathrow.
2025-02-01 08:16 UTC Argentinia Express has opened a new station at London Heathrow.

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Enterprise IL Weekly departures Flight schedule
Aconcagua 0 Departures
Air Cameroon 0 Departures
Air Danube 35 Departures
Air Logis 7 Departures
Air Nim 7 Departures
Air Salzach 91 Departures
Air Suomi 70 Departures
Air TNR 8 Departures
AirMex 13 Departures
American LYNX 0 Departures
American Pacific Airways 0 Departures
Argentinia Express 4 Departures
Badger Airlines 14 Departures
Bahamas Skyways 14 Departures
Baku Airways 7 Departures
Baltic Connection 28 Departures
Bluecifer Airlines 14 Departures
BluFly 0 Departures
British Siesta 119 Departures
BruRoc Cargo 7 Departures
BruRoc Cargo Europe 35 Departures
Buccaneer 0 Departures
Cameron Pacific 1 Departures
Canadian Skyways 91 Departures
Canary Boutique airlines 7 Departures
Cardinal Air Russia 7 Departures
Caribbean Aviation 7 Departures
Cofe Airways 0 Departures
CosmoFlot 0 Departures
Danube Europe 21 Departures
De Koninklijke 413 Departures
Dutch Ground Service 0 Departures
dutchlines 147 Departures
Elysium 7 Departures
Estonian Wings 7 Departures
Eurobird 2,147 Departures
Fly France 63 Departures
Fly Korea 7 Departures
FlyBR 11 Departures
Funkie International Airlines 19 Departures
HAL European Airlines 14 Departures
HAL German Airlines 7 Departures
Hanse Caribbean 21 Departures
Hanse Commuter Service 14 Departures
Hanse Express 112 Departures
Hanseatic Aviation Lloyd Holding 42 Departures
Heimsfarandi 28 Departures
Higher and Higher 83 Departures
Hopper 0 Departures
Hunza 14 Departures
Inca Ecuador 0 Departures
Inter Connect 70 Departures
Inter Connect Cargo 0 Departures
Ivory Airways 7 Departures
Java Airways 6 Departures
JoMa Airlines 7 Departures
Ken Fly 105 Departures
Kenya Skyways 14 Departures
Klingler Air Argentinia 7 Departures
Klingler Air Cargo 28 Departures
Klingler Air Caucasus 7 Departures
Klingler Air Middle East 36 Departures
Klingler Air Panama 0 Departures
Kuwait Arab Airlines 28 Departures
Kuwait-Express 17 Departures
La French 160 Departures
Lahore Airways 14 Departures
Lesotho Airservice 12 Departures
Libertad 28 Departures
LYNX 23 Departures
MA Airways 32 Departures
Martijns luchtvracht 28 Departures
Mesopotamia Airways 14 Departures
Mogalian Airlines 0 Departures
MyAmerica Airlines 14 Departures
Navigator Air 456 Departures
Navigator Freight 14 Departures
NEOM AIRLINE 7 Departures
New Brunswick Transport Invest 0 Departures
New China International 65 Departures
New China Zhongguo 26 Departures
Nile Airways 14 Departures
NoCa Airlines 49 Departures
Northeast Skylink 125 Departures
Nuestra Aerolinea Peru 6 Departures
Oceania-International-Airways 0 Departures
Orix Airways 28 Departures
Over the Clouds of Las Vegas 7 Departures
Pacific Sky 0 Departures
Pakistan Skyways 42 Departures
Pathfinder Cargo Europe 399 Departures
Pathfinder Enterprise 12 Departures
Philippine Connect 3 Departures
PortAir 0 Departures
RAK City Transport Invest 0 Departures
Sandy Air 56 Departures
Saxoair 21 Departures
Schwabenpfeil 28 Departures
Shangri La 28 Departures
Siesta Airways 2,629 Departures
Siesta Moldavia 7 Departures
Silk Road 14 Departures
SkyHellas 98 Departures
SWIZZ Sky 84 Departures
Taigan 0 Departures
Tanzania Wings 14 Departures
The Baba Airlines 34 Departures
The Baba Colombia Airlines 10 Departures
Touristikwings 104 Departures
Trans American Airways 63 Departures
Trans California Airways 14 Departures
Turkish World Airways 42 Departures
TW Cargo 63 Departures
UAE Airlines 106 Departures
Uganda Air System 7 Departures
Uganda Airservice 7 Departures
Ukrainian Airlines 21 Departures
Viva Mexico 7 Departures
VNM Trans 15 Departures
Wings of China 6 Departures
Wings of Europe 14 Departures
yellow 17 Departures
yellow sky 6 Departures 18 Departures 6 Departures
Zambia Fly 7 Departures