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Airport: Leipzig/Halle (LEJ)


Current local time 04:02:07 Saturday 22.02.2025
Time zone UTC + 01:00
Demand calculation 03:57:05 UTC
IATA Area Traffic Conference 2
IATA Sub-Area Europe
Country Germany
Continent Europe
Runway 3,600 m
Airport size Medium sized airport
Slots (per 5 minutes) 6
Slot Availability 36%
Min. transfer time 01:00h
Nighttime ban no nighttime ban
Noise restrictions Restricted to Chapter III and IV aircraft


2025-02-21 22:18 UTC HAL European Airlines has opened a new station at Leipzig/Halle.
2025-02-21 17:20 UTC Fly24 has opened a new station at Leipzig/Halle.
2025-02-10 09:33 UTC Smart Logic have shut down their station at Leipzig/Halle.
2025-02-04 10:23 UTC Smart Logic has opened a new station at Leipzig/Halle.
2025-01-23 21:24 UTC Hanseatic Aviation Lloyd Holding has opened a new station at Leipzig/Halle.
2025-01-01 14:25 UTC FlySmart has opened a new station at Leipzig/Halle.
2024-12-29 18:46 UTC YouFly has opened a new station at Leipzig/Halle.
2024-12-25 19:16 UTC MiMi Airways has opened a new station at Leipzig/Halle.
2024-12-20 13:39 UTC SaxoCharterWay, based at Leipzig/Halle, has ceased operations. All shares have been returned or liquidated.
2024-12-17 17:11 UTC Aerajet has opened a new station at Leipzig/Halle.
2024-12-17 15:09 UTC Due to insolvency SaxoCargo (Leipzig/Halle) has ceased operations and was liquidated.
2024-12-10 20:42 UTC SaxoCharterWay has opened a new station at Hartford.
2024-12-10 15:09 UTC SaxoCargo seems to be in financial troubles. To survive its last week-end closing it was granted a rescue loan.
2024-12-10 08:11 UTC Eurobird Connect has opened a new station at Leipzig/Halle.
2024-12-03 15:09 UTC SaxoCargo seems to be in financial troubles. To survive its last week-end closing it was granted a rescue loan.

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Enterprise IL Weekly departures Flight schedule
Aerajet 21 Departures
Air Danube 21 Departures
Air Logis 14 Departures
Air Salzach 33 Departures
Air Suomi 7 Departures
Baltic Connection 7 Departures
BruRoc Cargo 49 Departures
BruRoc Cargo Europe 112 Departures
Cameron Pacific 208 Departures
Danube Europe 21 Departures
De Koninklijke 28 Departures
Dutch Ground Service 0 Departures
dutchlines 21 Departures
Eurobird 50 Departures
Eurobird Connect 7 Departures
Fly France 35 Departures
Fly24 3 Departures
FlySmart 7 Departures
HAL European Airlines 14 Departures
Hanse Commuter Service 21 Departures
Hanse Express 91 Departures
Hanseatic Aviation Lloyd Holding 0 Departures
Heimsfarandi 0 Departures
Inter Connect Cargo 14 Departures
Jeison 0 Departures
JoMa Airlines 7 Departures
Klingler Air Cargo 748 Departures
Kuwait Arab Airlines 0 Departures
Kuwait-Express 0 Departures
Lesotho Airservice 21 Departures
LYNX 28 Departures
Martijns luchtvracht 27 Departures
Middle Eastern SkyLines 7 Departures
Navigator Air 2 Departures
Navigator Freight 14 Departures
Pathfinder Cargo Europe 668 Departures
Sandy Air 23 Departures
Saxoair 6 Departures
Schwabenpfeil 7 Departures
Siesta Airways 70 Departures
SkyHellas 7 Departures
SWIZZ Sky 0 Departures
The Baba Colombia Airlines 0 Departures
Touristikwings 7 Departures
Turkish World Airways 35 Departures
TW Cargo 1,358 Departures
UAE Airlines 14 Departures
UK Fly 35 Departures
Ukrainian Airlines 21 Departures
Wings of Europe 7 Departures