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Airport: Hyderabad (HYD)


Current local time 21:15:51 Saturday 22.02.2025
Time zone UTC + 05:30
Demand calculation 00:33:35 UTC
IATA Area Traffic Conference 3
IATA Sub-Area South Asia
Region Telangana
Country India
Continent Near East
Runway 4,260 m
Airport size Small airport
Slots (per 5 minutes) 8
Slot Availability 40%
Min. transfer time 00:45h
Nighttime ban no nighttime ban
Noise restrictions no noise restrictions


2024-12-30 22:43 UTC CosmoFlot has opened a new station at Hyderabad.
2024-11-25 15:59 UTC Baltic Connection has opened a new station at Hyderabad.
2024-10-17 10:07 UTC Pathfinder Enterprise has opened a new station at Hyderabad.
2024-10-09 17:31 UTC Zambia Fly has opened a new station at Hyderabad.
2024-08-25 09:19 UTC Shangri La extends the capacity of its passenger terminal T2 at Hyderabad by 1800 units.
2024-07-24 09:42 UTC Cyprus Connection has opened a new station at Hyderabad.
2024-07-09 06:34 UTC Air Misha has opened a new station at Hyderabad.
2024-05-28 21:19 UTC Hind Air has opened a new station at Hyderabad.
2024-05-25 19:26 UTC has opened a new station at Hyderabad.
2024-03-26 11:35 UTC Fly Bhutan has opened a new station at Hyderabad.
2024-02-24 15:22 UTC Indien Airlines have shut down their station at Hyderabad.
2024-02-07 07:07 UTC Coolwings has opened a new station at Hyderabad.
2024-02-02 23:10 UTC Valluru Airlines has opened a new station at Hyderabad.
2024-02-02 17:17 UTC Indien Airlines has opened a new station at Hyderabad.
2024-01-14 05:13 UTC Airborne, based at Hyderabad, has ceased operations. All shares have been returned or liquidated.

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Enterprise IL Weekly departures Flight schedule
Baltic Connection 4 Departures
Cameron Pacific 33 Departures
CosmoFlot 0 Departures
De Koninklijke 7 Departures
Elysium 0 Departures
Fly Korea 7 Departures
Hanse Express 7 Departures
Inter Connect 2,834 Departures
Inter Connect Cargo 532 Departures
Java Airways 14 Departures
Kenya Skyways 7 Departures
Klingler Air Caucasus 0 Departures
Klingler Air Middle East 14 Departures
Kuwait Arab Airlines 21 Departures
Kuwait-Express 14 Departures
Lahore Airways Express 14 Departures
Lesotho Airservice 7 Departures
MA Airways 21 Departures
Mesopotamia Airways 14 Departures
Middle Eastern SkyLines 1 Departures
Navigator Air 0 Departures
NEOM AIRLINE 0 Departures
North India Connect 124 Departures
Orix Airways 21 Departures
Pakistan Skyways 42 Departures
Pathfinder Cargo Europe 0 Departures
Pathfinder Enterprise 7 Departures
Sandy Air 9 Departures
Shangri La 35 Departures
Silk Road 21 Departures
SkyHellas 14 Departures
South India Connect 508 Departures
The Baba Airlines 12 Departures
Turkish World Airways 28 Departures
UAE Airlines 191 Departures
Ukrainian Airlines 7 Departures
VNM Trans 14 Departures
West India Connect 231 Departures
yellow 3 Departures 6 Departures
Zambia Fly 7 Departures